Grant Programs Grants By Nomination

Roy Lichtenstein Award

This endowed annual award was established in 2017 with a gift from the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation in memory of the artist, who contributed to FCA's first benefit exhibition and remained supportive of the Foundation throughout his lifetime. The $45,000 award is made annually through Grants to Artists to an individual working and contributing to the creative arts in the wide-ranging and investigative spirit of Roy Lichtenstein.

The Roy Lichtenstein Award is administered by a confidential nomination and selection process. Applications and unsolicited nominations are not accepted.

Roy Lichtenstein Award

Roy Lichtenstein at his exhibition Roy Lichtenstein, Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris, 1965. (detail) Photograph Shunk-Kender. © J. Paul Getty Trust. Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles (2014.R.20). Gift of the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation in Memory of Harry Shunk and Janos Kender. Artwork: © Estate of Roy Lichtenstein. Courtesy The Roy Lichtenstein Foundation Archives.
